I love you. forgive me if I’m a bit behind,
You’ve been running laps through my mind.
They’re so many things I wanted to say before I got there.
Things like, “I can get lost in your hair”
You look at me like…”why?”
But I look at you and melt in your eyes.
Smile makes my heart skip a beat,
Standing ovation of the mind, no seat.

And your lips?
The power source of my soul.
And those hips?
When you move them I lose control.
Those three words are not even the apex of my feelings for you,
Those three words need not be uttered for you to know it’s true.

Those three little words caressed my tongue as they left these lips.
Then the embarrassment set in and the rest was in clips.
But I guess there was nothing I could really do,
Except hang like an exclamation mark waiting for an I love you too.

© Akeem Rowe Kingsinister, 2016

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